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Women in Politics
El ideario feminista de Abigaíl-El Caribe
Not your feminist dream girl-Feminist Current
The fall of Brazil’s first female president was a misogynist sham-Feminist Current
La más preparada-Tribuna Feminista
Expelled by the left: the case of the Spanish Feminist Party- Woman's Place UK
Violence against Girls and Women
Emely era zurda- El Caribe
Para no olvidarte, Mayara-La Que Arde
Para no olvidarte, Eliza-La Que Arde
Para no olvidarte, Lucía- La Que Arde
Dice la publicidad patriarcal que violentadas nos vemos mas bonitas-Locas del Coño
Dying should not be a side effect of ‘sex’-Feminist Current
Miss Peru 2018 transformou a violência em entretenimento mórbido, e não um “protesto feminista”-QG Feminista
¿Existe la justicia para mujeres como Berkis Brazobán?-El Caribe
Black Wednesday: A feminism that centers ending male violence against women-Feminist Current
¿Quién quiere una bebé?-El Caribe
Why does liberal feminism refuse to center the fight against male violence against women?-Feminist Current
La mujer casi perfecta, según el patriarcado-Tribuna Feminista
Sex-Based Rights and "Gender Identity" Policy
With sex-selective abortion on the rise, there has never been a more dangerous time to neglect sex statistics-Feminist Current
Gender Dogma Threatens to Pulverize Women's Rights- Newsweek
La democracia, los derechos basados en el sexo y una pandemia que discrimina por sexo-El Caribe
Invisibilizar el sexo + universalizar el género = destruir el feminismo-Tribuna Feminista
Girlhood is not a fetish-The Critic
Le figlie di nessuno- Il Portale Delle Donne
El sexo como eje de opresión. Sí, el sexo (I)-El Caribe
The third wave’s tokenization of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is anything but intersectional-Feminist Current
Democracy, sex-based rights and a sex-based pandemic- Woman's Place UK
La gentrificación de la feminidad-Politica de lo Personal
Nadie es binario-Tribuna Feminista
Identidad personal versus Salubridad Nacional- El Caribe
Las hijas de nadie-Tribuna Feminista
Antidemocratic Impositions: the policies of ‘gender identity ’in the Dominican Republic-Contra el Borrado de las Mujeres
La medicalización a la niñez víctima de estereotipos sexistas- Partido EQUO
¿Ustedes le explican a las niñas de 10 años que su tratamiento las dejará estériles?- El Caribe
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