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A Woman's Place is in Academia
University of Oxford
"Women’s Studies was never intended to become a top-down, elitist, aristocratic view of society.
Its credibility resided not in the fact that we held space within higher education institutions, but that Women’s Studies was a tool to exchange knowledge about women’s lives which would result in transforming both the structure within universities but most importantly, society at large."
Women and Equalities Committee
Oral Evidence Session
UK Houses of Parliament
"FiLiA is very pleased to announce that Raquel Rosario Sánchez will be representing our feminist organisation at the Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry into reform of the Gender Recognition Act.
An opportunity to amplify the concerns of Women."
Misogyny and Anti-Intellectualism in Academia
University of Cambridge
"It will take a critical mass of brave women in academia to overcome the gaslighting and doublespeak facing feminists in universities worldwide. The rebranding of abuse as “acts of solidarity”, the distorting of Women and Gender Studies into the academic arm of a misogynist, top-down political movement and the staggering weakness of institutions who should know better is enough to make most people quit and run for the hills."